
Monday, February 11, 2019

Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemical reaction and :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemic substance response and how to change the rate of a reaction.Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemicalreaction and how to change the rate of a reactionMy lying-in is to produce a piece of coursework investigating rates ofreaction, and the effect different changes have on them. The rate ofreaction is the rate of the loss of a reactant or the rate offormation of a product during a chemical reaction. There be fivefactors which affect the rate of reaction check to the collision surmisal of reacting particles temperature, concentration (ofsolution), pressure (in gases), surface area (of fast reactants) andcatalysts. I have chosen to investigate the effect of temperature andconcentration on a reaction. This is because it is the most practicalto investigate.I am investigating the chemical reaction of two substances. Thesubstances being Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.As a explicate equation this isNaSO + 2HCl ---------------- 2NaCl + HO + SO + Ssodium + hydrochloric ------------- sodium + weewee + sulphur +sulphurthiosulphate acid chloride dioxideWhen these two solutions are mixed together, the commixture graduallygoes cloudy, because sulphur is made. I am going to carry step to the fore theexperiment of changing the temperature (whilst everything else remainsconstant). My starting temperature will be style temperature because ittends to be constant and it is more practical and will not pick out to bemonitored. When the temperature is varied a water bath will be used toheat up the acid and thiosulphate to the necessary temperature.Prediction agree to the kinetic theory all matter is made up of tiny, covert particles that regard all the time. When the temperature isincreased around or on these particles, the high-velocity they move. Heavierparticles move more slowly than light ones at a precondition temperature.This theory defines the difference between solids, liquids and g asesin a gas the particles move freely and at random in all the spaceavailable. In solids, particles only vibrate around fixed positionsand in liquids the particles have rough freedom and can move aroundeach other. Using the kinetic theory we can explain changes in stateof substances as they are heated and cooled. The kinetic theory canmost importantly be used to explain the factors affecting rate ofreaction, this is called the Collision theory. The collision theoryexplains that chemical reactions occur when particles of the reactantscollide. Molecules obey Newtons Laws of motion. They undergo elasticcollisions with other molecules and the walls, that otherwise exert noforces on each other.

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